
The Digital Period is a public philosophy project by Judith Zoë Blijden. She  critically examines values and principles underlying our society by looking at how these values have been translated in technology.

She organises public conversations around concrete examples in the form of creative interventions. These interventions facilitate different people to talk, think, and, more importantly, organise around solutions that help us move forward, both on the individual and on the collective level.


Judith Zoë Blijden is a legal philosopher based in The Netherlands. Her aim is to raise awareness and understanding about the impact of technology. She wants to do so by translating information into narratives in which everyone and anyone can partake.

She currently works as a Senior Legal Consultant at Hooghiemstra & Partners. Previously she worked as a Senior Policy Officer Digital Transition at the Social and Economic Council of The Netherlands. Her role is to research the impact of technology and assess what policies could be enacted to mitigate risks and unlock opportunities from a societal perspective. Judith was a Landecker Democracy Fellow (2022-2023). 

The impact of technology on society has been a central theme in her work. Judith has worked as a consultant, consulting on legal and policy issues regarding the use of technology while working at the Dutch consultancy firm PBLQ. During her time as a consultant, Judith was a board member for the digital rights organisation Bits of Freedom. She has also worked for the Dutch NGO Kennisland and the European NGO Communnia Association where she focussed on improving access to information and (digital) culture.

Contact: Judith@thedigitalperiod.com