Alfred Landecker Democracy Fellows 22/23


Super happy to let everyone know that I am one of the thirty Alfred Landecker Democracy Fellows 22/23!

The Landecker Democracy Fellowship is created by the Alfred Landecker Foundation and Humanity in Action. The common denominator of this year’s projects is that they all revolve around the challenges and opportunities of democracy in the digital age.

My project is called Decoding Technocracy – the Digital Period. This coming year I will be examining the relation between technology and autonomy by taking a closer look at period apps. Many people, including myself, use these apps to track their menstruation cycle for varied number of reasons. They are easy to use and help you to get more insight in your own body.

Periods apps can potentially empower people to make better decisions about what they want to do with their own body. At the same time, as someone who works on tech policy, I’m aware that these apps might not always work in a way the users would like them to work.

I want to engage in conversations with all kinds of people, users, experts, developers etc. to explore this topic. I will bring you along on this process by turning it into a podcast series called the Digital Period that tells the story about what happens behind the user interface of period tracking apps. The podcast will be available in English.

I’m very excited because I get to be infinitely curious. Do you have any recommendations for articles, books, experts, campaigns or something else that touches on this subject? Let me know in the comments or send me a private message.